Professional Video Tape Transfers FAQs

Have a question not answered below? 
Email us at

Q: Where do I ship my media? 
A: You'll be emailed instructions upon completing your purchase.

Q: I have 12 tapes. Do I just change the Item Purchase Quantity? 
A: Exactly! That's all you do.

Q: Do you give quantity discounts? 
A: We do give quantity discounts starting at 50 units.

Q: How long does it take? 
A: Typically 10 days from receiving your media (and often quicker!)

Q: Do you offer rush service? 
A: YES, we offer Rush 24-Hour Service Turnaround with overnight return shipping.

Q: How does rush service work? 
A: Simply select the Rush 24-Hour Service Turnaround option and overnight your media to us.

Q: Do you calibrate your equipment to my media? 
A: Yes, we calibrate to your media's color bars (if any).

Q: Do you add processing? 
A: We do not add processing other than real time Time Base Correction.

Q: Can you transfer other formats? Yes! Give us a call or send us an email if you don't see what you're looking for.